Palm IR Pro Thermal Imaging Cameras
The Palm IR PRO thermal camera made by Raytheon Corp and later L3 Communications is the original energy audit thermal camera.
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The Palm IR PRO Thermal Imaging Cameras from Raytheon and L3 Communications.
The Palm IR PRO also known as the IR PRO, IR 250 PRO and Palm PRO thermal imaging cameras were the first high resolution handheld thermal cameras with image storage and integrated LCD screen. These cameras utilize the BST thermal sensor to provide some of the best imaging possible. At 320×240 thermal resolution the Palm PRO still holds its own today.

A thermal image of people taken at night
The product line has been discontinued but the IR PRO is still sold, repaired and supported by SPI CORP. This is a great opportunity to obtain a world class imager at very low infrared camera pricing. Call us for more details on remaining inventory of the Palm IR PRO thermal cameras. 702-728-3511 for NEW thermal infrared cameras.
The IR Pro infrared camera delivers high resolution thermal imagery in a compact & portable platform. This lightweight imager has multiple color palettes, as well as isotherm, video and remote capabilities. Infrared software is included with the system for downloading infrared images into a PC. The IR Pro infrared camera is catered to various real time color infrared imaging applications at an affordable price.
Based on the ever popular IR 250 the pro model is upgraded to include a color active matrix LCD viewer, and a state of the art software package to give you brilliant color performance.
Product Images

Product Specifications
Performance Parameters
Detector Type/Format: Uncooled ferroelectric (320×240)
Spectral Response: 7 to 14 microns (LWIR)
Thermal Stabilization: Uncooled Thermoelectric
Video Update Rate: 30 Hz
Time to Operation [Typical]: < 25 seconds @25°C
Standard Lens: 50mm ( STD)
25mm, 75mm & 100mm lenses OPTIONAL ; f/1.0 (sealed bayonet)
Focus Range: 6″ / 18″ to infinity
Viewer: color LCD (5 selectable palettes)
Selectable range, Color resolution & Palettes: Yes
Text Annotation: Yes (report title, time & date)
Sensitivity: 100mK
Digital Storage Source: 8mb PCMCIA flash (60 images)
Image File Type: 8-bit BMP
VCR Compatible Video Output: EIA RS-170 NTSC [RCA jack]
External Control: RS-232 serial communications port
Power Source: Rechargeable camcorder battery (6VDC)
Power Consumption [Typical]: < 3.5 watts
Power conservation: “Standby” mode
Operating Time per Charge: > 4 hours with supplied battery
Dimensions: 9.5″L x 4″W x 4″H
Weight Without Battery: 2.6 pounds
Ergonomic Design: One hand operation
Mounting Provisions: Tripod mount
Operating Temperature: -20° to 49°C
Storage Temperature: -40° to 80°C
Water resistance: Splash-proof (IEC pub.529 IPX4)
Standard Equipment
- IR Pro Camera w/25mm or 50mm Gm lens + Video & Remote capabilities
- Safety cover
- Operator Manual
- 8mb compact flash memory card w/PCMCIAadapter for image storage
- Infrared software package
- Neck strap
- 4 Rechargeable batteries
- AC/DC Battery Charger
- Lens Cleaning Kit
- Durable Pelican Carrying Case