M2-D long range Gyro stabilized drone thermal cameras EO-IR Gimbal with FLIR camera, optical zoom in a small lightweight 119 gram payload.
Gyro stabilized HD long range gimbal for drones, uas, marine, uav, suas, usv and ugv mount applications
starting at 119 GRAMS
M7D: the worlds LOWEST COST, longest range, lightest, smallest long cooler life HD MWIR cooled thermal imaging midwave infrared EOIR FLIR 1790 GRAM gimbal with laser, tracking, rangefinder and multiple Advanced features.
The cooled long life MWIR M7D advanced 3-5 µm midwave infrared gimbal is the worlds lowest cost, lightest, smallest, longest range advanced HD EO/IR stabilized gimbal system with advanced features, LRF, Laser. At 1790 GRAMS, this powerhouse has 20 kilometer detection capabilities and offers exceptional industry best EO-IR image quality with the best sensitivity available. Rock solid gyro stabilization ensures accurate target location, detection, identification and recognition at extended distances.
H265 versus H264
H265 provides superior video compression over H264. H265 enables to use a lower bandwidth link while maintaining similar video quality.
Geo Reference
By utilizing INS data from the AutoPilot, camera IMU reports + geographic data loaded into the system pre-flight, it calculates longitude, latitude, and altitude.
Object tracking
Our systems can track a target designated by the operator, automatically adjusting the camera’s position to keep the LOS (Line of Sight) centered on the target.
Keep track of multiple targets (the LOS is centered on the main target).
License plate reading
Identify a vehicle’s license plate and display it on the OSD (On Screen Display), in addition, the information can be sent to the GCS (Ground Control Station) through a system report. License plate formats from various countries are supported, including the US and EU.
MULTIPLE ADVANCED Object Detection and Classification
Supports five different types of detectors – Human and Vehicle, Fire & Smoke, Human Overboard, Marine Vessel, and Air Craft. Users can control the detection threshold, minimizing false detections.
Upon detection, the units can automatically track the target, zoom in to the target and halt platform movement upon detection.
VIS/IR PIP DuoZoom / Fusion / Side by Side
Stream video from both EO and IR channels simultaneously. The two video streams can be displayed in the following ways: PIP (Picture in Picture), DuoZoom SBS (Side by Side), and Fusion (IR video on top of visible video – Seamless Pixel By Pixel image fuse).
Coordinate Refinement
The system can identify its location and receive more accurate geo location data. Three Dimensional Modeling and mapping, Record metadata on pictures in a format suitable for 3D models and maps.
Run user applications on The MVP/9960 and 9965 modules by using docker containers, Rather than adding a dedicated platform processor in order to reduce weight, and power consumption
While GPS is available, The M2D will be used in regular manner. When GPS becomes unavailable, the pair can be used to obtain camera/platform location. The unit reports the location (LAT/LON) of the gimbal/platform by analyzing the video stream against a stored orthophotograph without using GPS data.
Image Enhancement
When Image enhancement is ON, The MVP/9965 enhances the colors of a 720p video stream resulting in a more detailed image for obtaining minute subtle objects of interest.
JUST RELEASED M2D v6 ultra high performance
lightweight HD long range EO/IR gimbal
Highly accuracy drone thermal camera with long range telephoto optical zoom
in both Eo CCTV camera and Ir flir thermal camera

JUST RELEASED M2D v6 ultra high performance
lightweight HD long range EO/IR gimbal
– BROCHURE – M2D_Gimbal_install_basic_Data_EOIR_Integration_Updated
– BROCHURE – SPI M2D Gyro Gimbal Integration Data Sheet EO-IR
– BROCHURE – M2D_Gimbal_Gyro_Stabilization_FLIR_EO_IR_integration Data
– BROCHURE M2D_full_axis_protocol_for_Integration_EO_FLIR_IR_Data_sheet_DJI_Universal_Drones_install
– BROCHURE M2-D gimbal turret payload data Camera Pinout
– BROCHURE M2D_Gimbal_mounting_option_DUAL_Channel_FLIR_EO_OPTICAL_ZOOM_TELE
There are many unmanned EOIR gimbals available in the marketplace to choose from varying in price and performance, the search for the “Perfect” imaging gimbal for your UAV can be a daunting one with so many UAV GIMBAL options. Look no further, SPI has coupled the worlds best materials, mechanicals, electronics and sensors into one divine low cost imaging payload. The affordable M2-D drone thermal camera UAV GIMBAL is an all weather, rugged micro mini gimbal for drones, uav, uas, Suas, multicopter, unmanned aerial vehicle, land and marine applications, Rock steady stabilization on all Axis ensures the imagery remains steady while moving. Optical Telescopic telephoto zoom is included in both the EO channel as well as the thermal imaging FLIR camera channel. Weighing in at 160 Grams, the M2/D is the worlds smallest, lightest and highest performing gimbal ball turret payload thats simple to integrate into any platform. Imaging is displayed in Wide field of view with zoom to get tight distant targets incorporating both optical and digital zoom. similar systems cost 3 to 4 times as much and dont deliver the performance as the M2-D. Priced at $9995.
We are now offering long range 82X Gyrostabilized gimbals at $5990
The M2-D is affordable for users seeking high end multi sensor gyro stabilized applications. The M2-D offers Zero backlash extremely accurate positioning, high impact, rugged housing, retractable housing, additional mechanical dampeners to further keep the unit and imagery Rock steady. Ultra smooth powerful yet precise motors with extreme accuracy stabilize the shakiest and harshest/windiest missions. High speed payload aiming with great accuracy mechanics coupled with optimal image quality sensor electronics make the M2-D the premier unmanned eo/ir imaging platform available anywhere.

SPI utilizes High Sensitivity, Hand Selected Thermal Infrared Imaging Detectors ensuring the best IR performance
Thermal FLIR Image of the M2D at 384×288 resolution, our modified thermal sensors are programmed for optimal sensitivity. The 640×512 M2D drone thermal camera offers long range Ir flir imaging and has exceptional sensitivity for enhanced DRI.
The system is suitable for custom drones as well as COTS Multicopters like DJI models. The unit offers phenomenal lift and endurance dynamics along with easy integration for end users, developers, integrators, UAV designers and manufacturers. The M2-D is fully universal and is all open source which ensures simple integration into any system.
The M2D is a precision, high resolution, high sensitivity micro Mini dual-channel EO/IR steerable multi axis stabilized camera with an incredible light weight of 160 grams [5.6 oz]. The M2D provides unparalleled capabilities in its weight category, providing an excellent choice for those in need of a light and powerful camera Gyro Image Stabilized camera system.
- Visible channel EO
- 1920 HD
- PAL / NTSC day camera
- Zoom : 40x or 80x
- HFOV : 30° WFOV – 4.7° WFOV – 2.3° DFOV down to 1 degree
- Thermal channel FLIR
- PAL / NTSC thermal camera
- Resolution: 1280 HD or 640 x 512 / 384 x 288
- LWIR uncooled 7-14µm
- Zoom : continuous zoom
- Range of rotation / Data
- System: sealed 100% duty cycle
- Tilt : -45° to 135
- Angular Velocity : Up to 105deg/sec
- Power Requirement : 9-32 VDC
- Power Consumption : <10W
- Temperature : -20°C [-4°F] to +55°C [131°F]
- Dimensions :
- Diameter : 53mm [2.099”]
- Height : 78mm [3.07”]
- Weight : 160 grams [5.5 oz.]The M2-D Gyro stabilized Mini Gimbal ball provides superior image quality both during day and night times, outstanding gyro stabilization, and low power consumption. It incorporates top-of-the-line components: a sensitive thermal FLIR sensor, high-end motors, hardened/coated optics, all at an affordable SWaP package. Ideal for quadcopters, hexacopters, multicopter, fixed wing & rotary, unmanned copters, drones, UAV, UGV, SuAS and all remote vehicles.
The M2-D is a third generation product, the rock steady gyro stabilized EO IR camera is the most powerful, lightest and smallest production gimbal in the world. Fully compatible with all third party software and hardware.
The M2-D delivers EO, ZOOM, IR, Gimbal & Stabilization – all within 160 grams. Spi has been building robust high quality EOIR equipment for almost 2 decades for industrial, law enforcement, law eforcement and military customers.
Info release 9/11/15
Micro Stabilized FLIR Thermal and Visual UAV Payload M2-D
A micro gimbal for UAV and vehicle use that only weighs 160 grams is an amazing thing all by itself. But a micro gimbal that weighs 160 grams, has both a FLIR thermal camera and a visual camera with optical zoom and is gyro stabilized now that is something that you would call impossible. But its not. It is real. The unbelievable new M2-D micro stabilized gimbal features a 640×480 high resolution thermal camera with all the features (gain, level, polarity, color, digital zoom, etc). Co located is a very nice EO visual camera with OPTICAL zoom. Thats right this is not a kludge digital zoom but a true optical zoom down to 4.5 degrees FOV. Then of course there is a digital zoom kicker on top of that. Normally a 4 degree FOV in a UAV or ground vehicle will produce a very shaky unusable image. Thats why everyone fly’s with the consumer grade GoPro with its super wide angle lens. When using wide angle optics it is very easy to get smooth relatively shake free images but it is also very hard to get usable imagery and detail from any altitude. Try reading license plates with a GO PRO (maybe if your flying at 10′ AGL). The M2-D has advanced gyro stabilization just like the $1,000,000 FLIR balls that they fly on helicopters and military aircraft. This degree of stabilization is way beyond the consumer stuff you see on the web. With the Micro M2-D Gyro Stabilized EO/IR gimbal you can zoom in and read license plates from hundreds of feet AGL. This becomes a very useful tool for a wide range of applications. Ideal for a multitude of rotary and fixed wing uav’s, uas, ugv, multicopters, quadcopters, hexacopters. The unit is also compatible with DJI products.
The system is now available in high definition HD 1280 thermal imaging Flir IR channel and 1920 vivid HD visible CMOS/BSI EO channel
The M2-D is built to the most exacting standards to withstand the harsh environment of UAV and Ground vehicle operation. There are also a host of accessories to make integration into any flying platform a breeze. There is a series of mounting options starting with a basic hard mount shock absorbing plate all the way up to a full blown retractable affair that can lift the payload completely up and into the body of the UAV when needed.
Control is also simple. There is a PC interface for bench use or integration into a larger software driven system. But, the most popular feature is the handy protocol converters. These tiny boxes can interface with any common Radio Control format. There is a PWM interface and a hot SBUS interface. Both easily integrate with auto pilot or manual controllers. They are both fully map-able via USB interface and included software.
Finally (as if this wasn’t enough), there is a geo reference tracking module that allows the unit to be directed to specific geo target locations and also return specific coordinates of any spot on the ground being viewed. This is real top end hardware and amazingly available in the ultra compact Micro Stabilized M2-D gimbal platform.
Its clear that the UAV imaging payload world has been stood on its head by SPI CORP. The M2-D is higher performance than any other system on the market. But that’s just the beginning of the story. The M2-D is about 1/4 the size of anything else on the market with these features and to seal the deal it is also a fraction of the price of anything ever made.
Size: 160g palm of the hand
Stabilization: GYRO STABILIZED
Price: Fraction of any other system.
pwm autopilot
The gimbal is compatible with all drones including the dji phantom, inspire series, s900, s1000
M2D micro gyro stabilized drone gimbal shown mounted on DJI Phantom UAV, The M2D Mounts to all DJI UAV’s like the inspire, S900, S1000 and All commercial and custom drones & is fully compatible with all platforms including lightbridge.
New: MVP/9960 AI Module
Offers additional Advanced capabilities, EO/IR object tracking, geo location, video compression, IP Streaming, video recording, LTE, and license plate recognition capabilities. EO/IR object tracking directs the M2D gimbal to precisely track a subject within the gimbals range, ensuring the subject of interest never leaves the view. Geo location captures the position of the M2D, its line of sight, and extracts location of observed objects with unprecedented accuracy. Video compression and IP encapsulation provides significantly low latency compression enabling long range operation. The MVP9960 records high quality video with GPS metadata attached and keeps snapshots to a MicroSD card for simple access and expansion.
MVP/9960 H1 – Human & Vehicle Detection and Classification License is offered to 9960 system users. H1 detects and classifies humans, private vehicles and small trucks in the video. H1 will mark the detected object on the image (OSD) and will describe its type. In addition, H1 will send a report message upon detection and classification. If the image includes multiple objects, H1 will mark and report all of them.
MVP/9960 F1 – Fire & Smoke Detection and Classification, license is offered to 9960 system users. F1 detects and classifies fire and smoke in the video. F1 will mark the detected object on the image (OSD) and will describe its type. In addition, F1 will send a report message upon detection and classification. If the image includes multiple objects, F1 will mark and report all of them.
MVP/9960 H2 Human Overboard Detection and Classification, license is offered for 9960 system users. H2 detects and classifies human in water at the video. H2 will mark the detected object on the image (OSD) and will describe its type. In addition, H2 will send a report message upon detection and classification. If the image includes multiple objects, H2 will mark and report all of them
Additional capability offered by the 3 above listed features is to zoom in on the object upon detection and initiate object tracking.
Intelligent Advanced Modules for M2D EOIR Gimbals
In addition to seamless Pixhawk integration, the MVP/9959 provides object tracking, Geo Reference, Roll De- rotation, Video compression, Video streaming over IP and Video recording.
MVS/9958 is a simplified version of the MVP/9959 but lacks tracking capabilities. PixHawk Adapter
The PixHawk adapter allows seamless integration between M2D Gimbals and the PixHawk but lacks video processing capabilities and the rest of the MVP feature. The PixHawk Adapter receives RC_CHANNELS MAVLINK message from the PixHawk serial interface and converts it to camera commands (e.g., pan / roll / zoom in out / etc). Note: PixHawk adapter cannot be used together with MVP/MVS Modules
The next generation of Advanced modules, The MVP/9960 supports all the features of the MVP/9959 and expands upon them. MVP/9960 is capable of License plate reading (LPR) and object detect & classification. 9960 interfaces
with all M2D Gimbals equipped with an HD interface. An internal 4G LTE modem can be integrated with the module. MVP/9965
The latest version is faster and has more processing power system can determine the platform’s location when GPS is not available and maintain an object’s index across multiple frames.
H265 versus H264
H265 provides superior video compression over H264. H265 enables to use a lower bandwidth link while maintaining similar video quality.
Geo Reference
By utilizing INS data from the AutoPilot, camera IMU reports + geographic data loaded into the MVP 9960/9965 pre- flight, the system calculates longitude, latitude, and altitude.
Object tracking
The MVP 9959 / 9960 and 9965 can track a target designated by the operator, automatically adjusting the camera’s position to keep the LOS (Line of Sight) centered on the target.
MVP/9959 can only track a single object while the MVP 9960 and 9965 can keep track of multiple targets (the LOS is centered on the main target).
License plate reading
The MVP 9960 and 9965 can identify a vehicle’s license plate and display it on the OSD (On Screen Display), in addition, the information can be sent to the GCS (Ground Control Station) through a system report. License plate formats from various countries are supported, including the US and EU.
MULTIPLE ADVANCED Object Detection and Classification
Both The MVP 9960 and 9965 supports five different types of detectors – Human and Vehicle, Fire & Smoke, Human Overboard, Marine Vessel, and Air Craft. Users can control the detection threshold, minimizing false detections.
Upon detection, the units can automatically track the target, zoom in to the target and halt platform movement upon detection.
VIS/IR PIP DuoZoom / Fusion / Side by Side
9960/9965 can stream video from both channels simultaneously. The two video streams can be displayed in the following ways: PIP (Picture in Picture), DuoZoom SBS (Side by Side), and Fusion (IR video on top of visible video – Seamless Pixel By Pixel image fuse).
Coordinate Refinement
The MVP 9960 and 9965 can be loaded with an orthophotograph of the flight area containing precise geographic metadata. Using image processing techniques, the system can identify its location and receive more accurate geo location data.
Three Dimensional Modeling and mapping
The MVP 9960 / 9965 can record metadata on pictures in a format suitable for 3D models and maps.
User application can run on The MVP 9960 and 9965 hardware by using docker containers. Running user application on The MVP 9960 and 9965 instead of adding a dedicated platform processor reduces weight, power consumption, and results in a smaller form factor.
While GPS is available, The M2D and MVP/9965 will be used in regular manner. When GPS becomes unavailable, the pair can be used to obtain camera/platform location. The MVP/9965 unit reports the location (LAT/LON) of the gimbal/platform by analyzing the video stream against a stored orthophotograph without using GPS data.
Image Enhancement
When Image enhancement is ON, The MVP/9965 enhances the colors of a 720p video stream resulting in a more enhanced image for obtaining minute subtle details.
The M2D Mini UAV UAS drone thermal flir gimbal Payload Represents one of the smallest long range stabilized EOIR LWIR Uncooled Gimbal in the market today!
Complete long range zoom EO-IR gimbal camera systems can house long range LWIR MWIR SWIR high-definition video tracking, target tracking and image enhancement and processing capabilities. Multi sensor gimbal payload systems enable users to select a range of cameras and sensors unique to individual mission requirements and can be deployed onboard a broad selection of fixed-wing UAVs, unmanned helicopters, UGVs and USVs. We have laser pointers and LRF laser rangefinder options as well.
long range EO IR Sensors for UAVs
EO-IR sensors and camera systems are suited to a broad spectrum of unmanned aerial platforms, including VTOL multirotor UAVs, fixed-wing and hybrid UAVs, as well as tethered drones, aerostats and balloons. In addition they can be fitted to fixed site installations, unmanned ground vehicles (UGV) and unmanned surface vehicles USV).
Miniature long range EO/IR Gimbals
Developed for short, medium and long-range aerial missions, EO/IR gimbal payloads for UAVs are designed to meet a variety of SWAP (Size Weight and Power) requirements. Often miniature EO/IR gimbals are engineered for specific mission types and conditions, for example daytime, night-time and tactical operations. Lightweight and easy to mount, they can be efficiently swapped out depending on drone and/or mission requirements.
Gyro-Stabilised EO/IR Gimbals
Depending on the type and maximum payload capacity of the UAV or unmanned system, gyro-stabilized EO/IR gimbals can have 2, 3 or 4 axis:
2-axis gimbals – gyro stabilized pitch and roll
3-axis payloads – gyro stabilized yaw, pitch and roll
4-axis systems – gyro stabilized yaw, pitch and roll, plus up and down motion
Gyro-stabilized EO gimbals can be fitted, alongside a variety of LWIR (longwave infrared), MWIR (medium wave infrared), SWIR (shortwave infrared) and NIR (Near infrared) thermal cameras.
EO/IR Gimbal Camera Systems
EO/IR gimbal camera systems can contain a variety of cameras and sensors, such as single and double Field of View (FOV) cameras, daytime and night-time sensors, thermal imaging cameras, CCD sensors, and various strength optical zoom cameras.
The M2D family of rugged, mini, lightweight long range multi sensor EO/IR Gimbal for UAVs & Drones offer the smallest, lightest and highest performing EO/IR gimbals at the lowest most affordable pricing. Ideal for integrators looking to save time and money, the systems are easy to learn, mount and operate. Options include long range HD cooled MWIR and LWIR uncooled zoom thermal down to 1 degree FOV (Field of View) with 10 kilometer human detection and 20 kilometer vehicle detection capabilities.
The m2-d Electro-optical (EO) and infrared (IR) thermal imaging payloads are utilized within drone and unmanned systems targeting and tracking systems, developed for high end surveillance, security and defense applications.
Our systems are mounted on multiple high level drones.
The M2D EO/IR gimbal payloads are manufactured for UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), drones and unmanned vehicles (including USVs and UGVs) as well as manned fixed-site installations.
Applications for the M2D EO/IR gimbals fitted to unmanned systems include; counter-drone measures, unmanned aerial and ground vehicle observation, surveillance and targeting, coastal and border patrol, and security.
Used for detection, recognition and identification of aerial, land-based and maritime targets, gyro stabilized EO/IR gimbals form a critical part of unmanned surveillance systems. Capable of real-time, short, medium and long-range detection, they are used for ISTAR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Targeting and Reconnaissance), as well as counter-UAS and anti-drone defenses, and search and rescue operations.
EO/IR gimbal payloads, cameras and sensors are also used onboard industrial inspection drones, UAVs used for mapping, survey, aerial inspection and environmental monitoring. The SPI gimbal family of EOIR gimbals are the worlds most robust platforms with small size, light weight, compact structure, high adaptability, lower power dissipation and great cost-efficiency, features include ultra sharp HD image quality, long range zoom optics, Video tracking, real-time target detection and target tracking, manual / auto-tracking and target locking (lock-on)
Click here to find out the basics of how
thermal imaging camera technology works